If I give each country a category so far then Brazil would be hot and drunk, Columbia would be safe and quick and Ecuador would be random. In no real order I am going to list these random events for you in keeping with the idea that this is Ecuador.
1. Filming TV commercials to teach Ecuadorians English.
2. A seven year old waiter and six year old food runner.
3. Being asked out by our tour guide what we assume for is to grab a drink at a bar only to be led to the beach at night and be questioned why I am not drinking... ummm I am not a dumb girl.
4. A family of four on a motorcycle.
5. A father and his three kids on a bicycle.
6. Motorcycles converted into Taxis.
7. Buses picking up hitch hikers.
8. Four dollar four hour bus rides.
9. Beret wearing bar owners.
10. Red Kabala strings.
11. Running around churches with no one there...
12. Ringing the bells in churches.
13. Stumbling upon monks rooms accidentally, while roaming around a museum then being asked to leave that same museum.
14. Djs preforming in a theater with everyone sitting and no one dancing.
15. Cab drivers chasing down buses.
16. People coming on buses selling everything from hamburgers to coconut water.
17. Karaoke bars singing, "Sexo!"
18. Stairs and hills.
19. Don Cherry the tour guide, who actually never was our tour guide.
20. Nineteen year old boys.
21. Grandma's cooking us dinner and feeding us dusty empanadas.
22. Cockroaches in our cabana.
23. Sleeping under mosquito nets.
24. Surfing and getting stung by jellyfish.
25. Seeing a dead sea turtle, blow fish, birds, snapper and hamster.
26. Ecuador's black outs.... cities having the electricity turned out for hours at a time everyday because they are poor or lack of energy.
27. Sleeping on the beach.
28. Thousands of sand dollars.
29. Children of the corn escorting us to our tour boat.
30. Jumping of a boats roof into the ocean to snorkel with huge fish.
I am positive there is more, but that is what stands out.