My Korean friend, Jinok, is always taking me out to eat and introducing me to new foods. Tonight was sauteed cattle intestines, glass noodles, carrots, cabbage, rice cakes and these noodle things that resemble sausage. You take all the pieces and wrap it in sesame leaves with a little hot sauce. It's similar in style to Korean barbecue. It wasn't bad and you couldn't taste the intestines. If you ate the intestine by itself it had an inky flavor. The Korean waitress got a kick out of me eating it. Jinok is always impressed that I am willing to try things. She calls me a good eater because I can use chopsticks and try whatever. The waitress did bring me wooden chopsticks because they are easier to use then the metal ones.

A Korean meal consists of many little dishes. Some type of pickled vegetables, soup and cabbage is always involved.

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